Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Mission is accomplished!

Around week 2, I began to understand that very few scouts properly understood the signifigance of a zombie apocalypse situation. Therefore, I wrote out and began instruction of the Zombie Apocalypse Survival merit badge. We met every night at midnight across the lake, near the graveyard. I had few students, which was nice, because I had to keep an eye on them. Can't just send 12-16 year olds out by themselves with no training. I ended up with 2-4 scouts per week. Requirement 1 was tracking, and their tracking assignment was to figure out exactly where I was. Very few passed this requirement, but those who did were allowed to continue their training. The next night I instructed them in methods of zombie warfare. None of them could lift a sword, but they did have bug spray and lighters. Makeshift flamethrowers, anybody? If nothing else, they learned how to improvise their weaponry. Wednesday night we stuck with practical things - what food to get, what would work well, what would store for nearly unlimited amounts of time, etc. Thursday was all practice. We hiked 3 miles in to the nearest zombie farm and took out as many of them as we could. Only 1 zombie, their leader, survived. A few were lost in the deadly battle, but some survived. I would like to recognize those students now, if I could.

Miguel R.
Corbin R.
Daniel G.
Jacob E.
Nick R.
Nick H.
Devin T.
Walter T.
Edward T.

Those who were lost:
Michael J.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

the Basics of Communications

These 6 basic rules are necessary for the ability to keep in touch with your fellow Non-zekes. These (if considered and applied) will be lifeSAVERS (awesome Acronym no?) when the Zombies are attacking, and you need to call in reinforcements.

Simplicity- Ever heard of "K.I.S.S" ? Keep it Simple stupid. The simpler your system is, the better off you'll be. If you've got a really complicated set up, 1) things will be harder to fix and 2) only a couple of people will be able to understand how it works- and what happens if those people all die (or become Zombies) ? then you have no one to run your system. so Keep it simple- and don't be stupid and only have one or two working it- everyone needs to know how to keep the communications up and running.

Adaptability- Don't get caught up with only one type of tech. Be familiar with any and every option you have, and know Morse Code! If it comes down to it you can use smoke signals or drums, or lights flashing in the night. Also don't just think about being personally adaptable, but have your tech be adaptable. You'll see in the next point to have Variety, just be sure to make that Variety compatible with itself and with the tech of those you intend on communicating with- much good it'll do you if you can't actually contact anyone.

Variety- The more options you have the better, so hold on to those walkie-talkies, short wave radios, satellite phones, and strings and tin cans. Have redundancies, back up plans. be able to switch very quickly from system to system- indeed, I prefer to have at least 2 completely separate systems- that way if one fails for some reason I have another ready and waiting to go while I work on the first.

Efficiency- Things should work, and work well, and with little effort. If you're having to constantly tweak this, or play with that, then you're setting yourself at a disadvantage when the crisis comes.

Renewability- You need to be able to power everything, and fix everything. For crying out loud, this is the Zombie Apocalypse- you can't just run down to the corner store and pick up some more AAA batteries, or a spare Vacuum Tube (and no, I'm not talking about the thing that cleans the floors) so stock up, switch out, and prepare to improvise.

Self-Sufficiency- Especially power wise- think outside the box. you need to be able to keep your communications up and running no matter what. Consider Solar, Wind or Water power. Be able to fix everything that you have yourself- and remember "the lower the tech, the safer your neck."

Thanks to Eoin for his help in Educating me on the basics of communications so that I could educate you! (the lifeSAVERS Acronym and the "lower the tech, the safer your neck" are both the genius of Mr. Eoin)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Broadsword over Rapier- my reasons

So, I've been hearing a lot of mess about rapiers being appropriate weapons for zombie warfare, or warfare in general (Sorry, Avalon and Thespis), and I'm here to clear things up. So, I'll admit that it's hard to compare the broadsword, (Exhibit A-), with a rapier, (Exhibit B-),

but we really do need to consider some hard facts of life. A broadsword is a battle-hardened weapon, designed primarily for hacking, slicing, cutting, dismemberment, disembowelment, disem-et cetera-ment, you get the picture. A rapier is a primarily decorative sword. When the rapier was developed, there were very few good opportunities for real steel-on-steel combat, and, as such, the broadsword had fallen out of favor as a man's weapon. The rapier wasn't designed for real melee combat, it was designed for wearing with dress attire, and for an occasional single combat against another man armed with an identical spring steel whip.

A broadsword is great for what it's designed for- being a trusty, durable companion in battle, your strongest ally, an extension of your arm, a solid, bad-guy/Zeke hacking forge-hardened bar of steel. It's designed to wear well over time, to always be counted on as a man's weapon in combat. A broadsword does have the cons of A.- while killing quickly, it also kills messily, B.- it's long and heavy, making it harder to accomodate, and C.- it's impossible (or at least inadvisable) to waltz while wearing one.

A rapier is great for what it's designed for- hanging from the waist of a dress uniform, and only seeing mild combat- the likes of single combats and duels, and specialized melee situations. A rapier has the cons of not being nearly as hardy under adverse circumstances, and not being able to stand up to the blunt force a broadsword would be able to. It's more likely to end up shattering in hard combat.
A rapier's effective attacking part of the blade is within a few inches of the tip, and it's target zones (if you're looking to kill the Zeke by destroying it's lower brain, the only effective way), are limited to the mouth and eyes.

My entire broadsword is a weapon. I may use it at arm's length, decapitating Zekes long before they come within range of a rapier. If they are close, I may choke up the blade, and may use almost the entire length of the blade for cutting uses. If they happen to be even closer, that hefty pommel is completely effective at bashing zombie faces. Ever wonder where the term "pummeling" came from? To be pummeled is to have your face beaten in by the pommel of a sword. Take a close look at the hilt of that rapier. It might possibly cause a painful laceration or a black eye, but there's no head-smashing on there.

So, in all, as a man who's definitely on the stronger end of the spectrum, a two-handed sword is the way to go. But, that doesn't mean that smaller guys can't use them too. Balance and workmanship are key. My well-balanced broadsword is faster than many blade-heavy sabers and katanas. As long as it's well balanced, a broadsword is just as easy to use as any other sword. Of course, female team members of short stature may have trouble wielding it, but why not opt for an arming sword- nearly as deadly, and easy to wield single handed. While there are combat situations in which one sword will have the advantage, in general, a rapier is not well-suited for the rough and tumble, hack-and-slash combat against great odds likely in a field of battle.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A much-belaboured incredibly-late-coming introduction-to-me

Name: Matt Young
Call Sign: Cred
Rank: Field Lieutenant, Strategist, Combat Specialist
Primary Location: Point A Bunker, Wherever I Happen to Be.

"What? Surrender? Surrender is never an option! Using the last bullet on yourself is never an option! If you're running out of bullets, use your sword. If the zombies somehow destroy every bladed weapon in the world, use large blunt weapons (shillelaghs, cudgels, rocks, fists, disembodied zombie parts, etc.)"

"I feel like a zombie. You know-- the living dead. But without the living part."

Hey there! I'm Matt. (The awesome looking guy in the picture.) I usually end up taking a leadership position on a team, and plan combat strategies. I'm a decent shot, using handguns, rifles, shotguns or bows, but specialize in hand to hand/close quarters combat. Weapon of choice? As big a sword as I can find. I subscribe to the German school of broadsword fighting, but end up using many claymore fighting moves as well.
In my not-terribly-humble opinion, a rapier is no match for a good solid broadsword, in any form of combat, especially zombie warfare- zombies may only be completely killed by complete decapitation or blunt force trauma to the brain (bullets included). Sure, they can be immobilized, but what easier way of dealing with a shambler than to lop off it's 'ead with one of these?

My overall theory?- Grab the swords, Pack the spam, Snatch the guns, chug a caffeinated beverage, and roar off in the jeep, whilst listening to Celtic rock. Life/zombie warfare at it's best!

Deus Volt, Accedo Fieri At, Persevero! (God Wills It, Come What May, I Persevere)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Improvised ammo for the zombie apocalypse

One of the first things to go in the zombie a apocalypse is ammo, specifically- shotgun ammo.
most people, how ever- tend to only take the 00 buckshot and slugs, leaving behind the bird-shot and lighter buckshot, while yes, No. 3 buck will kill zombies dead, its effective range is significantly shorter then a slug, So- the following is a list of improvisations to help you live throught the zombie apocolypse...

1- Cut shells, ringed shells or cut slugs.

Pros: only a knife is needed for manufacture, massive impact.
Cons: cannot feed in magazines. cannot reload used ammo.

2: Tape shells

Pros: massive impact, can feed in magazines, can reload shells.
Cons: requires fore thought, uses expendable, non-replacable resources.

3: Wax slugs

Pros: massive impact, can feed in magazines, can reload shells, if made with bees wax- uses all renewable resources
Cons: requires fore thought.

4: home cast slugs,

Pros: can feed in magazines, can reload shells, flesh rending impact, highly accurate.
Cons: requires fore thought, requires special tooling, requires time.

5: other, (captain Ahrab, .69 cal musket ball, Ahrab brennike. also some others and some previously discussed slugs)

Pros: various,
Cons: various,

Point B range, aftermath shots:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Trivial Tidbits To Transilluminate The Terribly Dark Thinking Techniques of Zombie Trashing Tenderfoots

Thespis here to talk about trivial tidbits of trivia that in a tactical situation could save yourself from termination. Follow the tally marks toward the end of the topic to transilluminate the terribly dark thoughts that increase your total chances of termination.

  1. Zombies are not the best readers. They have trouble when the same letter is used repeatedly, it confuses them totally. IF you had any problems reading the title or the tiny tidbit under the title you totally should head towards your medic. You might have picked up a bit of the zombie virus somewhere, or you could have dyslexia or another reading impediment.
  2. Shamblers ( see The Virus, Runners and Shamblers ) are not very agile or fast runners.
  3. Runners ( see link above ) are very quick and more durable than shamblers.
  4. Zombies HATE CARROTS ! as well as several other things ( see What should I put in my survival garden ?)
  5. You should gather some food and ration ! Ration ! RATION IT ! (see What you should stock for the Zombie Apocalypse)
  6. Never ever ever leave base without a weapon.
  7. Never EVER ever LEAVE BASE without a WEAPON ! (See both Weaponry: When you have options AND Weaponry: When you don't have options
Transmission Terminated....... Transmission Terminated........ Transmission Terminated....... Transmission Terminated....... Transmission Terminated......... Transmission Terminated.......

That should prevent any terribly nosy Runners from taking any trivial trivia from this topic.
