If you're reading this, then you are one of three things; None are really great things to be, honestly.
1. A leader looking for assault tips to help you survive and protect your friends and family in this zombie apocalypse.2. The few final survivors of the Zombie Apocalypse who are looking for information that may help you survive a little longer until the government can get the last few working helicopters out to drop the cure to your bunker.
3. A kid who has nothing better to do with your time, and is not threatened by zombies, but none of your friends are available on your IM, and your MMORPG Guild Raid was cancelled because the guild leader's youngest child is sick, so you're refreshing your zombie Apocalypse Survival guide.
All of these are unfortunate happenings, and have put you in a pretty desperate situation, so we here at the Point B Bunker will try not to waste your valuable time.
This is the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide as written by The Point B Survivalist team. We're a small, but powerful part of the North Carolina Zombie Defense Mechanism. We partner mainly with the Young Division who are good friends of ours. They have helped in the building of the Point B Bunker, and Point B helped with the Building of the Young Division Bunker.
On the Point B Survivalist team we have several well qualified people who have a lot of experience with Zombie attacks and tactics.
Our team of Tactical specialists are as follows.
J. 'Havoc' Roper

Call sign: Havoc
Rank: Assault Lead/maker of the big kabooms.
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
"Hydrostatic shock, its the shock-wave of the round hitting that does the damage, not the round itself, you don't have to completely destroy the brain, just damage the cell walls; and in the dead- that is extremely easy" - Havoc
"you know what I really, REALLY hate? Squirrels. specifically Zombie squirrels. I mean- Really, undead rodents? what madness is this?" - Havoc, shortly after being picked up from the bush by the nice folk from Omicron bunker.
Havoc is our lead Assault guy. If there's something to be known about ranged weaponry or building bunkers he's our man.
"you know what I really, REALLY hate? Squirrels. specifically Zombie squirrels. I mean- Really, undead rodents? what madness is this?" - Havoc, shortly after being picked up from the bush by the nice folk from Omicron bunker.
Havoc is our lead Assault guy. If there's something to be known about ranged weaponry or building bunkers he's our man.
He is also very knowledgeable about degrees of Zombie infection, how to spot a runner from 2,000 yards, and races of zombies [Runner vs Shambler vs crawler vs 'thriller'] as well as proven ways to disable/destroy these zombies. He's not much on the defensive side, but what he has found from his days in the field has proven invaluable to the Point B team. Havoc has survived two zombie apocalypses, and has fought long term against the horde of the undead on both occasions. One time he survived for a month in the bush fighting off mutated squirrels. Havoc favors a modified pump action shotgun for dispatching the undead at range, but has been seen wielding a very large, crude knife. When probed about such he replied "Blade and bludgeon all in one- how could I pass it up?"
T. 'Stasi' Roper

Name: Trillian Roper
Call Sign: Anasasia/Stasi
Rank: Intelligence Officer/Communications
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
"When all else fails: Cannon balls... Cannon balls and Grenades." - StasiStasi is one of our Intelligence officers, and communications gal on the inside. She makes sure we keep contact with the other divisions, particularly the Young division. She also coordinates meetings and joint assaults with the Kellum Bunker, the Driver bunker, and several others. Despite her position in the team, Stasi tends to be quite disorganized and helter-skelter. However, this is not generally a problem for her, because she seems to know where everything is even though everything is piled up three foot off the Com desk. All most of us can say is Lord help us if anything happens to her, because none of us know where anything is in that mess.Stasi was trained at the Point B Academy of Communications and Logistics for three years prior to the first Zombie Outbreak in '09.
T. 'Avalon' Roper

Name: Tristany Roper
Call Sign: Avalon
Rank: Assault/Defense Strategist/Zombie Informationalist
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
"I think it's time that we either feed the Zombies, or knock 'em out again..." - Avalon
Avalon has perhaps the most hands on knowledge when it comes to zombies; after all, she used to be one. She was infected and zombified in February of 2009, but because the Point B team could not bring themselves to decapitating one of their number, they instead locked her in a shed until they fended off the zombies in hopes that a serum may one day be found to bring her back to the land of the living. Some years later a team from the future arrived at the door to the bunker with instructions to use an experimental serum on Avalon the Zombie. The Serum could only be used in the future, so they took Zombie Avalon to the future with them to perform the experiment. The Serum worked with some success, and after it was decided that Avalon would not revert to a Zombie, she was dropped off back in her own time; three months after having been zombiefied, in the shed with her past self: Zombie Avalon. The team found her after a couple hours, and after a brief explanation of what happened the team welcomed their Strategist back to the group. Being locked in the shed with the zombie Avalon proved that zombies would not affect Post-Zombie Avalon, and she could not be reinfected. Because of that Post-Zombie Avalon was given the rank of Zombie informationalist, because she could observe zombies up close, and understand more of their 'thought' processes.
E. 'Lyemi' Driver

Name: Emily Driver
Call Sign: Lyemi
Rank: Defensive Specialist
Primary Location: Point B (NC)
Temporary Post: Bunker 257 Sanford (NC)
Primary Location: Point B (NC)
Temporary Post: Bunker 257 Sanford (NC)
"Can we be a little bit more careful about where we place the charges?" - LyemiThe first addition to the Point B team who is NOT a Roper, Lyemi came to us several years ago around the time Avalon was zombified. Lyemi's kind of new to the whole zombie apocalypse thing, but with the help of the rest of the team she is altering her previous strategies for zombie warfare. She's the more cautious one of the group, and is always on the alert for impending attacks. Her strategy is extremely defensive, and she's likely to be near the bunker keeping a watch on the other members of the team, and ready to dart back to safety. Lyemi's essentially the character foil to Havoc - she likes blowing stuff up - she just does it from a reasonable distance and maps out the locations of the mines so she never steps on one accidentally. She has survived one zombie apocalypse that she's aware of, though there may have been more that she never noticed (with all the vegetarians around, it's sometimes hard to tell if folks are moaning about brains or grains). She'll be reporting long-distance from an undisclosed location this summer, as she studies a generation of scouts who may or may not be carrying the zombie virus.
J. 'Thespis' Kellum
Name: Josh Kellum
Call sign: Thespis
Rank: Reconnaissance Specialist/Special Ops
Primary Location: Point B Bunker (NC)
Temporary Post: Wherever the dead shamble
"Ahhhhh I'm not dead! However keep up what you're doing and I will be soon enough!" - Thespis
Thespis has one of the more interesting back stories. Shortly after the zombie incident of '09 started he came home to find his entire family missing. He went out in search of them, and had a rather close call with some of the infected. After he narrowly escaped them he spent quite some time on the run looking for any sign of his family. During this time he used the abilities earned through years of acting to stay alive. He changed his appearance,smell,dialect, and the way he acted in general, this is a rather extensive process that involves animal blood,mud, and many other things that should not be mentioned;However, this easily tricked the zombies allowing him to walk somewhat freely amongst them. His act was so convincing that we here at Point B Bunker almost killed him when he stumbled by.... lucky for us we didn't. He is now one of our top reconnaissance specialists, bested only by Avalon. Thespis also runs many special ops missions that require stealth and cunning in high concentration zones. Whenever the food stores or infirmary are running low he is the one who sneaks into stores to gather supplies. He spends so much time impersonating the Zombies that we are left at times to question his sanity.
S. 'Eoin' Flaherty

Name: Sean Flaherty
Call Sign: Eoin
Rank: Scrounger/Melee Specialist
Primary Location: Epsilon Station (NJ)
"The good news is- the zombies can be lured away with meat. The bad news is- y'all count as meat. So... who wants to volunteer?" - Eoin
Eoin had a very different experience in the last two zombie outbreaks. Living on the extreme edge of a major urban center, he was unintentionally victimized when a well-orchestrated attempt to drive the zombies out of the cities worked... depositing them on his front lawn. Spending most of the first outbreak hiding out in array of locations from forests to abandoned office complexes, Eoin developed a repertoire of unconventional tactics that use the environment as a weapon. Preferring to run over fighting, he is nevertheless capable of holding his own, and he will hoard anything that might (and usually does) prove useful later. Eoin is headquartered at Epsilon Station, so named because he has a flare for drama and, when combined with a colon, epsilon makes a goofy face Ɛ: ... however, he does not stay put for long and can often be found at other bunkers, training fresh survivors.

Name: Matt Young
Call Sign: Cred
Rank: Field Lieutenant, Strategist, Combat Specialist
Primary Location: Point A Bunker, Wherever I Happen to Be.
. Weapon of choice? As big a sword as I can find. I subscribe to the German school of broadsword fighting, but end up using many claymore fighting moves as well.
In my not-terribly-humble opinion, a rapier is no match for a good solid broadsword, in any form of combat, especially zombie warfare- zombies may only be completely killed by complete decapitation or blunt force trauma to the brain (bullets included). Sure, they can be immobilized, but what easier way of dealing with a shambler than to lop off it's 'ead with one of these?
My overall theory?- Grab the swords, Pack the spam, Snatch the guns, chug a caffeinated beverage, and roar off in the jeep, whilst listening to Celtic rock. Life/zombie warfare at it's best!
Deus Volt, Accedo Fieri At, Persevero! (God Wills It, Come What May, I Persevere)
Name: Caleb Young
"you want to know what I like best about the zombie apocalypse? you can get some sweet deals on guns, seeing as 95% of the population are zeds." - Hammer
Matthew "Cred" Young
Name: Matt Young
Call Sign: Cred
Rank: Field Lieutenant, Strategist, Combat Specialist
Primary Location: Point A Bunker, Wherever I Happen to Be.
"What? Surrender? Surrender is never an option! Using the last bullet on yourself is never an option! If you're running out of bullets, use your sword. If the zombies somehow destroy every bladed weapon in the world, use large blunt weapons (shillelaghs, cudgels, rocks, fists, disembodied zombie parts, etc.)" - Matt
"I feel like a zombie. You know-- the living dead. But without the living part." - Matt, shortly after running out of coffee
Hey there! I'm Matt. (The awesome looking guy in the picture.) I usually end up taking a leadership position on a team, and plan combat strategies. I'm a decent shot, using handguns, rifles, shotguns or bows, but specialize in hand to hand/close quarters combat"I feel like a zombie. You know-- the living dead. But without the living part." - Matt, shortly after running out of coffee

In my not-terribly-humble opinion, a rapier is no match for a good solid broadsword, in any form of combat, especially zombie warfare- zombies may only be completely killed by complete decapitation or blunt force trauma to the brain (bullets included). Sure, they can be immobilized, but what easier way of dealing with a shambler than to lop off it's 'ead with one of these?
My overall theory?- Grab the swords, Pack the spam, Snatch the guns, chug a caffeinated beverage, and roar off in the jeep, whilst listening to Celtic rock. Life/zombie warfare at it's best!
Deus Volt, Accedo Fieri At, Persevero! (God Wills It, Come What May, I Persevere)

Callsign: Hammer
Rank: Ingenuetor, Long Range Zed Remover, Head of R&D.
Primary Location: Point A till August when I transfer to head the Point G bunker.
"you want to know what I like best about the zombie apocalypse? you can get some sweet deals on guns, seeing as 95% of the population are zeds." - Hammer
Hello People, Zeds, Honored Guests, and etc. etc. ad infinitum. I, Caleb 'The Hammer' Young, do solemnly swear to randomly post on this blog in no obvious pattern, governed by the lack of time and the exegencies of the service.
I am the resident mad scientist of the Point A Asylum for homeschoolers and (to quote a movie) Eeenveentors. Yes, I am random. OOoh LOOK! Squirrel!
But all fun and games aside, I feel that we are misunderstanding the poor Zeds. They are merely looking for food and companionship, much like the homeless in our areas. We need to be understanding and reach out to these poor beings.
If you have a problem with Zombies, contact the point A or B staff and ask for Havoc and Hammer. Your Zed removal specialists.
Quick, Havoc. To the BatCoffee.