Thursday, July 21, 2011

the Basics of Communications

These 6 basic rules are necessary for the ability to keep in touch with your fellow Non-zekes. These (if considered and applied) will be lifeSAVERS (awesome Acronym no?) when the Zombies are attacking, and you need to call in reinforcements.

Simplicity- Ever heard of "K.I.S.S" ? Keep it Simple stupid. The simpler your system is, the better off you'll be. If you've got a really complicated set up, 1) things will be harder to fix and 2) only a couple of people will be able to understand how it works- and what happens if those people all die (or become Zombies) ? then you have no one to run your system. so Keep it simple- and don't be stupid and only have one or two working it- everyone needs to know how to keep the communications up and running.

Adaptability- Don't get caught up with only one type of tech. Be familiar with any and every option you have, and know Morse Code! If it comes down to it you can use smoke signals or drums, or lights flashing in the night. Also don't just think about being personally adaptable, but have your tech be adaptable. You'll see in the next point to have Variety, just be sure to make that Variety compatible with itself and with the tech of those you intend on communicating with- much good it'll do you if you can't actually contact anyone.

Variety- The more options you have the better, so hold on to those walkie-talkies, short wave radios, satellite phones, and strings and tin cans. Have redundancies, back up plans. be able to switch very quickly from system to system- indeed, I prefer to have at least 2 completely separate systems- that way if one fails for some reason I have another ready and waiting to go while I work on the first.

Efficiency- Things should work, and work well, and with little effort. If you're having to constantly tweak this, or play with that, then you're setting yourself at a disadvantage when the crisis comes.

Renewability- You need to be able to power everything, and fix everything. For crying out loud, this is the Zombie Apocalypse- you can't just run down to the corner store and pick up some more AAA batteries, or a spare Vacuum Tube (and no, I'm not talking about the thing that cleans the floors) so stock up, switch out, and prepare to improvise.

Self-Sufficiency- Especially power wise- think outside the box. you need to be able to keep your communications up and running no matter what. Consider Solar, Wind or Water power. Be able to fix everything that you have yourself- and remember "the lower the tech, the safer your neck."

Thanks to Eoin for his help in Educating me on the basics of communications so that I could educate you! (the lifeSAVERS Acronym and the "lower the tech, the safer your neck" are both the genius of Mr. Eoin)

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