Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What should I put in my survival garden ?

Hey Thespis here to give you the lowdown on what you should and should not have in your survival garden. We hear at Point B know that not everyone is blessed with such a large facility as we have so we will give you tips and tricks for both rural and urban survivors.

During an outbreak of the Zombie infection it is important to protect yourself and your team from infection. Thus a trip to Walmart or Food Lion is out of the question. The solution is gardening, many plants can easily be grown for consumption; However, Plants can also have beneficial and hazardous properties. Certain plants might attract Zombies and others might act as a repellent. Many plants also have medicinal properties that can be a great help for cuts and minor field injuries. Note a cure for the Zombie infection has not been developed in this time,however, we have had limited success with a single use experimental formula from the future. So have hope that one day in the near or distant future we might discover a cure for the Zombie infection.

What will I need ?

You will ideally need:

Green House x2

Tilled land ( or 4ft x 4ft boxes/planters) x__

Seeds or plants x__

Fruit/Bean Trees x__

Dirt x a lot

Fertilizer/Compost x as needed

Time x a lot

Clean water access x a lot

Sunlight x varies from plant to plant

Where can I get it ?

You most likely can find the supplies you need laying around somewhere, be creative and use the resources at hand.

Is it going to cost ?

Nope, most of the things you can find laying around somewhere, you might however need to barter some seed or plants off another survivor if you can not find a suitable source.

Plants That Should Be AVOIDED.

Grains~ (Too many health conscious Zombies walking around these days, and grains require a complicated setup to protect them (and yourself) from the Zombies they will attract.)

Brussels Sprouts~ These tiny green vegetables can sometimes be mistaken by Zombies as brains, and like I said there are many health conscious Zombies walking around so better safe than sorry.

Corn~ Contrary to what many people believe corn is not a vegetable, it is a grain, see grains mentioned above for more info.

Plants that should be planted in ABUNDANCE.

Carrots (Zombies hate this little orange vegetable.)

Mint and other aromatic herbs ( Have you ever heard of a nice (minty fresh) smelling zombie ? I certainly haven't.

Coffee Trees (Gotta keep the team functioning during the watch shifts in the wee hours of the mornin.)

Tea Plants ( Some members don't like coffee.)

Cocoa Trees ( Chocolate ! Hot Chocolate ! Fudge ! Cakes ! Brownies ! Chocolate ! Chocolate ! )

Sugar Cane ( In a life of darkness and Zombies, something sweet always cheers you up.)

Beans and Peas (Many Zombies ignore these plants,and they make an abundant supply of veggies.)

Rice ( Who doesn't like rice ? )

Potatoes ( Us living humans can't live without taters.)

Tomatoes (Ketchup, Salads, Sandwiches, etc.)

Grapes and Berries ( Jellies, Jams, Snacks, Deserts )

Things you might want to consider as additions to your new garden.

Chickens ( Meat and Eggs )

Goats ( Milk, much smaller and less conspicuous than cows. )

Geese ( Have you seen how big a goose egg is ? You know how much gunpowder and C4 you could pack in there ? )

All of these will serve the purposes mentioned above as well as weed and insect control protecting your precious crops.

Hoping this helps you with your endeavor of surviving the zombie apocalypse,

J. Thespis Kellum

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