Callsign: Hammer
Rank: Ingenuetor, Long Range Zed Remover, Head of R&D.
Primary Location: Point A till August when I transfer to head the Point G bunker.
Hello People, Zeds, Honored Guests, and etc. etc. ad infinitum. I, Caleb 'The Hammer' Young, do solemnly swear to randomly post on this blog in no obvious pattern, governed by the lack of time and the exegencies of the service.
I am the resident mad scientist of the Point A Asylum for homeschoolers and (to quote a movie) Eeenveentors. Yes, I am random. OOoh LOOK! Squirrel!
But all fun and games aside, I feel that we are misunderstanding the poor Zeds. They are merely looking for food and companionship, much like the homeless in our areas. We need to be understanding and reach out to these poor beings.
If you have a problem with Zombies, contact the point A or B staff and ask for Havoc and Hammer. Your Zed removal specialists.
Quick, Havoc. To the BatCoffee.
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