Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weaponry: when you have options

In a zombie apocalypse you're naturally going to want three things: Shelter, Food, and- That's right- Weaponry; anything that can disable or destroy a hoard of the undead as they march on your loved-ones and your much coveted beef jerky stores.

So, let's say that you have the benefit of choosing your weaponry; great! This means that you're either well prepared, or UPS is still running their usual routes. [UPS guys will rule the world eventually; Join their coalition if you can.]
Anyway: so you're thinking: "Hey, we're in a zombie apocalypse. I need to start packin' some heat. I wonder what kind of weaponry I should invest in?" Honestly, it's all up to what you can get your hands on; but here's a list of weapons [although not comprehensive] that we've tried on our undead neighbors that have yielded results.

DISCLAIMER: These suggestions are for use against Zombies ONLY. Under no circumstance should you ever point a gun at a living human being; Even living enemies can become great assets in a zombie infested world.
DISCLAIMER: I don't care what proof you have, The Boom stick is ALWAYS loaded. ALWAYS. If you had any idea how many people have been shot and killed with 'unloaded' guns, you'd probably get sick.
DISCLAIMER: As havoc likes to say: KEEP THE BOOGER HOOK OFF OF THE BANG SWITCH. In other words: Don't touch the trigger unless you fully intent to eviscerate whatever is in front of you. If your finger is on that trigger the thing in front of the sight has a 1 second life expectancy. Note: Some guns have REALLY light trigger weights, a good jostle will set some off, so ALWAYS point the gun at the ground when not in use. Better to blow your own foot off than to go 'oops' and blow your friends head off.

On with the show.

Shotgun, any make, any model, any shot.
Havoc is a big advocate for Shotguns, they've got a lot going for them. Not much can take a full on or even a partial shot of Double-Aught Buck and still be smiling afterward, ya know? Not only that, but a Shotgun can be used as a bludgeon after you're done with the ammo, and can be used in hunting for food when you're not in combat. You can also use it for a signal to your friends if zombies find you while you're hunting; just set up a signal [such as three consecutive shots] to indicate that you're in distress, and your friends will hear and come with the cavalry [if you're not too macho to call your buddies].

Sniper Rifle
Normally I'd stay away from these, but if you have a bunker with a sighting tower then this can make or break a siege. A Sniper can be picking off the Zombies in the back of the pack while the cavalry in the fox holes are taking out the first wave. because of the sniper in the back, the more aware zombies will see that you have range, and move out. Because of the Herd instinct that zombies have, this is a good thing for you as the defender: Situationally aware zombie turns tail and runs away, less aware zombie goes 'huh? where's ed going? Brains?' and follows Ed the aware zombie, others think 'Ed and Fred are gone! There must be more brains!' and follow ed and fred. Soon you've dropped about ten of them Via Sniper, and twenty or thirty have dismissed themselves to hunt brains elsewhere, and that will leave you with between 100 and 120 zombies to take out. Not difficult to manage with a few grenades and a couple Automatic Weapons. Speaking of which:

Avtomat Kalashnikov 47 - designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1945-46 introduced to warfare in '47.
Honestly, I like Russian guns a lot. I dunno what it is. [Havoc will probably tell you 'brain rot' from being a zombie for so long...(Havoc: I actually rather like the AK series, I just prefer a Siaga in 12 gauge)] Anyway, my main complaint about automatic weaponry is that they blow through ammo way to fast for them to be really practical for survival unless you have ten bullets for ever zombie in the county, and five for every zombie in the neighboring counties... I generally call it overkill when you go to sweeping up the zombies on the lawn and you find eight or nine zombies with twenty or thirty rounds in/through their heads. The good thing about Automatic weaponry is that you can move from left to right and mow down a row of forty zombies in under ten seconds. Havoc really likes Automatic weaponry. We've actually switched most of our AK's to Semi Auto so that we get better range and conserve ammo.

Avtomaticheskaya Vintovka Simonova 1936 model. This one is an automatic rifle, but the thing I like about this one is that it also has a Bayonet. While working with zombies you need to understand that sometimes you will not be able to reload in time to fend off the undead- they'll get to close and you'll have to resort to either hand to hand [not suggested] or a close weapons based combat [Knife, staff, or Gun/bludgeon]. The nice thing about a weapon with a bayonet on the front is this- when they do get to close, you already have a close range weapon ready for usage. This has saved the lives of many people in the past, myself included.

Swords and other Blade weaponry

Large Scot/irish sword, two hands. Not quite as big as an English broadsword, but in the ball park. These are very heavy and will sap your energy quickly. For that reason I wouldn't use one if I had the option. I'd go for a lighter weapon like a hand and a half sword, or a long Dirk. I know a few guys who could easily handle a claymore, but I'm not one of them.

Obviously you've heard of the Japanese sword, the Katana. You're probably also familiar with the fighting style involved with that. I like this style because it's fast and fluid. There's a lot of chopping and hacking with a katana, but stabbing is not out of the question [as with a claymore...]
Past that, I really don't have much knowledge about really fighting with a Katana, I don't have one and have never gotten the chance to really observe anyone with one.

Ok, it's French, Yeah. -But this is my first option when it comes to a sword against a zombie, and I'll tell you why. It's lighter than a claymore, hand and a half, or katana. It's more flexible than any of those swords too. Not only that, but it's made mostly for stabbing and slicing rather than hacking and cutting. It's a very fast weapon as well.

That's all I have for now, hopefully you can use some of this information in your apocalypse.

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